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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thought for January 22, 2015: Learning to be content

In all things, I am learning to be content. #blessed #ButForTheGraceOfGod

What I'm realizing about being content is that it isn't about settling where you are. It's more about not letting the storms around you ride you, but you riding that storm around you, if that makes sense.

Life happens sometimes. I used to get super stressed about minute things. I still get stressed, but I'm at a point where I use it more as a force to drive me where I see my dreams, rather than letting it get me down in a deep funk. Yes, I have dark days where I feel like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree, but even that tree can be made beautiful and have a sense of contentment.

It is also about having a drive to be better, but not being consumed by worldly things to get it, per se. A lot of times, for instance, following your dreams isn't about getting rich, but feeling fulfilled. If you do get rich, it is a by-product of focusing on what you love to do. To me, that is being content.

Life has a strange way of letting you know you can survive. In this season, I'm re-realizing what my interests are. Seems like they change every five minutes, but, the reason around it doesn't: I'm a helper by nature, and that has been my lot in life for the longest. No matter what I do, I feel compelled to help. It does my spirit good to do so. It is up to me to figure out how to use that, and be content.

I was listening to Steve Harvey and J. Anthony Brown (January 21), and they brought up two interesting points: doing what they love and reinventing yourself. What do you love to do? Would you do it for free? That is your passion. If what you're doing right now is not necessarily working with you, be willing to take risks and reinvent ways you can work your passion.

So, being content is going to be a continuous learning process for me. Not because I seek to be perfect, but because I seek to be perfected for moments of doing what I love, and being fulfilled in knowing that I am positively making an impact on someone's life because I'm doing what I love to do. Yes, I will be content in every stage and every age of my life.

Thank you.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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