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Friday, January 9, 2015

Interracial Dating/Marriage...What's Really Good? Your Thoughts

A few of my friends have been talking about dating/marriage lately. Being single black women in our 30s, it's something that's bound to come up, right? One question that comes up between us (and with others) is, "would you date outside of your race?" That's a somewhat complicated question, but it's not.

I can honestly say that I've been attracted to people of my skin tone for the longest...a darker brown tone or darker. It's something about men that are chocolate-y that's just nice to look at. I love a black man that's confident in himself, whether he's blue collar, white collar, (Black) Ivy League or community college league. I love a good conversation. I love humor. I love music. I love sports, especially football. I'd love to share that with a black man. But...

Yes, there's a but...

...I've also stated to my friends that, if the opportunity to date someone Asian, white, Hispanic, whatever, ever came up, I wouldn't necessarily turn him down. I'm an equal opportunity dater, yes! Dating, for me, is more about how you are as an individual (and how you approach me) than your color. As Anthony Hamilton stated, "If you're cool, then I'm cool, then we're cool."

The thing that irks me about interracial dating marriage is when someone can boldly say "I only date (enter race here) because," or "I refuse to date people of my own race because (enter reason/stereotypes here)." For instance, there are black people who will only date white or Asian people for status/financial purposes, or because they're more domicile. Or, black men who won't date black women because "we're loud and after something" (or some other stereotype/reason). Just like there are white people of a higher social/financial class who don't date white people who are in lower classes. That's dumb to me.

Personally, if I'm not going to date someone, it'd be based on an individual's actions. I'm not going to NOT date black/white/Asian/Hispanic/whatever people because a few dumbasses are just that...dumbasses.

If you're going to date, whether it's interracial or not, do it because you're genuinely in love with that person. To me, some things like stereotypes and financial/social status are superficial. I'm not going to date whites to feel some kind of way (superiority complexes, finances, climbing some kind of ladder, whatever); I'm not going to date just black just because I'm black (as I've stated earlier, that's my preference, but I'm open).

Let love find you. If it's in your race, great. If it's outside of your race, great. Get to know a person outside of your perceptions. You may be surprised at what you find. Now, don't let love or the ideas of love blind you (that's a different subject), but, don't be so narrow-minded that you miss out on a great person.

Find love, find peace. Love always starts with you. Believe that.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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