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Monday, November 24, 2014

Precious Souls

"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Jesus, Mark 10:14

My soul grieves me. So much has gone on in the world, from Trayvon to Michael, from girls and women being raped at school, in neighborhoods, anywhere, to senseless killings. And I think about how, when justice is sought by those who suffer, they are victimized yet again, based on their sex or race. "What was he/she doing?" "Was he/she...?" "Yeah, it's sad what happened, but look at his/her past..." "He/She was asking for it."

And I think, is this a society that I want a child to grow up in? How can I help a young mind figure out this life and place we live in when I have so...many...QUESTIONS myself?!

How can I look into the eyes of a child, so innocent and full of curiosity, and tell her that the world doesn't know her? Not because of who she is, but because of what she is: a strong and intelligent black girl.
How can I tell a child that we live in "the greatest country on Earth" when we are thought so little of?
How do I explain to her that, while we're put down for our features, our speech, our style, many emulate us, but wish not to be us?
How do I tell her, without making her paranoid, that, when in public, be mindful of what you do, where you are, keep your hands on 10 and 2?
How do you have faith in a system that seems so against us, where one has to work twice as hard to be the same or better?
How can I answer her questions on what I believe in, when I question so many things around me now?
What do I tell her about the legal system? Can one truly be treated fairly in a court of law, whether defendant or victim? How do I tell her that there is a possibility that some may be victimized twice?
How do I prepare her for the stares in banks, stores, or for being in a neighborhood that "she does not belong in"?
How do I explain tears shed for lives and time lost, for innocence I have yet to claim?
How do I tell her to bless those that continually mistreat you, when I feel like Marvin Gaye and wanna holla with any-city blues?
How many cheeks do I have left to turn, Lord? How many?

How can I help her know Something stronger than she, so that she can have faith in something better than this?

How do I help her keep a child-like faith, even though it can be trying?

The best I can do is tell her everyday: she is strength, she is love, she is beautiful. Stand tall, stand proud, don't back down from who you are.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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