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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Video of police and guy: thoughts on police and race 10271955_832570170089723_420933446_n.mp4

I have so many questions when it comes to some law enforcement, especially in light of grand jury decisions regarding Michael Brown and Eric Garner and not choosing to indict the cops that killed them.

In the Brown and Garner cases, all people wanted was for the cops to go to trial. Trial!!!

I worked in corrections for a while, and am disheartened by the sea of black faces in there, some for petty offenses.

Don't get me wrong: I know lots of great cops and people in law enforcement. It's the ones that protect the few and profile the minorities that irk me. It's as if we live in two Americas: one for us, and one for them.

In watching this video, a flood of thoughts come to mind: this guy is resisting arrest, attacks an officer, is tased at least three times, and flees an officer. But, he is not shot or put in a chokehold. Why don't the cops involved feel threatened by him? Why isn't he labeled as a thug, a demon, or a menace? Is it because he's a reflection of them that the cops don't immediately grab a gun, or choke him, or slam him to the ground? Why is it that some cops will resort to violence with us first, but not their own?

So many questions.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

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